
Born on the 29th of November, 1979 in Holguín, Cuba

Graduate of Elementary Dance School Raul Gomez Garcia Arts School Holguín, Cuba

Graduated as Dancer and Professor of Modern Dance at the National Dance School Havana, Cuba in 1997

Scholarship (dance program) -ADF, Duke University of Durham, North Carolina, USA

Principal Dancer and resident Choreographer of the National Dance Company, Danza Contemporánea de Cuba (DCC)

Director and coreographer of “Los Hijos del Director” Dance company since 2013.

He also received awards and nominations like The Premio Luna for The Best Production of the Year `Carmina Burana´ in the Auditorium Nacional de Mexico (2009) . The Laurence Olivier Award Nomination (2011) on the Best New Dance Production and the TMA Award Nomination (2011) Specially for Mambo 3XXI . With his company he has presented three World Premiere pieces and he is still working as a resident choreographer in Danza Contempaoránea de Cuba .

The choreographies of George Céspedes have been presented in Austria, Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA.

They were presented in Theaters like the Sadlers Wells Theater and The Royal Opera House in London, Teatro Real de Madrid, La Fenice in Venice, The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto and The Joyce Theater in New York.

-       2025 / La Ecuación / restaging for Acosta Danza (DCC)

-       2025 / Ataraxia / creation for São Paulo Dance Company (BR)

- 2024 / Exposure /dancer in the creation of Julio Cesar Iglesias Ungo and Hans van den Brock, Pact Zollverein und Pumpenhaus Münster (D)

-   2024 / Sacre / creation for Ballet of Opera Graz (A)

-       2022 / Polvo, sombras, palabras, nada / Danza Contemporánea de Cuba (DCC)

-       2018 / Requiem / Commissioned and performed at Auditorium Nacional de Mexico.

-       2017 / R=V El criterio del camello / DCC

-       2017 / The last resource / commissioned by Coulors International Dance Festival Stuttgart, Germany / LOS HIJOS DEL DIRECTOR.

-       2016 / Innermost / LOS HIJOS DEL DIRECTOR.

-       2015 / Matria Ecnocentra / DCC

-       2014 / La tribulacion de Anacimandro (Hombre, Arché, Apeiron) / LOS HIJOS DEL DIRECTOR

-       2014 / Ser o Estar / commisioned & performed  by INCOLBLLET.CALI Colombia

-       2013 / Identidad -1 / DCC

-       2012 / Deep in / commisioned for a gala of graduates, Teatro La Fenice, Venecia

-       2011 / Mekniksmo / DCC

-       2011 / Dejando el cascarón / DCC

-       2010 / Finding himself & Ghost of the memory / commisioned and performed by Carlos Acosta at coliseum of London

-       2009 / Mambo 3XXI / DCC commisioned and performed at Sadlers Wells Theater

-       2008 / Carmina Burana / DCC, commisioned and performed at Auditorium Nacional de Mexico.

-       2008 / El peso de un isla / DCC & Carlos Acosta, commisioned by Sadlers Wells Theater

-       2007 / A piece of us / Project whit Dance East in Ipswish, England

-       2006 / La Separación / DCC

-       2006 / Uno / DCC

-       2006 / Metrópolis II / DCC

-       2005 / Simple Red / Choreography for the concert of the Band Simple Red in Cuba/  theme: FIREGROUND.

-       2004 / La Ecuación / Danza Comtemporanea de Cuba (DCC)

-       2003 / Por favor no me limites / Ballet Nacional de Cuba. (BNC)

-       2003 / Tiempo Terminal / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba

-       2002 / Sed / Nacional Dance School ,Havana Cuba

-       2002 / Mujeres / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba

-       2001 / Como las Hormigas / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba

-       2000 / Ausencia / Nacional ballet School, Havana Cuba

-       1997 / Confesión / Music: Yanni / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba

-       1997 / La fuga de los espíritus / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba

-       1997 / Condenados a muerte / Nacional Dance School, Havana Cuba.